CBD: Full Spectrum CBD Rich / Cannabis oil:
Hand craft oral product for control of pain or for during cancer treatment. Helpful for control of seizures, treatment of PTSD or anxiety disorders and to aid in sleep. Lemon essential oil (pure) added to help taste and alkalinizing effect in the body. $2500 pesos 4ml CBD: HEMP form CBD Rich / Cannabis oil: Professionally extracted. Aids in the control of pain, fighting cancer, seizures and for general immune system support. A non "high" as there is no THC. Odorless / Tasteless $2000 pesos 10ml ANTI CANCER BLEND: 4ml blend of Cannabis and Essential oils for therapeutic level cancer care: Dispenses 6 drops per treatment on average 2x per day. Your recommended dose may differ. $2500 pesos per 10ml RSO Oil: 3ml RSO CBD or High THC blends. Mild dilution for portability and dropper dispersal. $2,500 3ml $3,500 5ml |
Our new hand crafted topal pain solutions are shifting from what you may find other places. We've been doing on body testing for various types of pain with verious source herbs. What we're finding is pretty magical! Fast acting - long support. On average we're seeing 4+ hours of pain relief with a single application. Depending on the type of pain involved, it takes 30 seconds to 15 minutes for effect to be achieved. Yours Truely gets relief within the 30 second window. We'll be making this blended source transition to bring you what we are find is the better product formula. ALL our products work - we're just being Wizards of Goddess Botanicals to bring you better.
PAIN STOP / CBD MASSAGE OIL: Hand blended oils with our CBD extraction for enhanced massage pain relief. This blend also helps the nerves and muscles relax (no brain effect) allowing an even deeper level of therapeutic care during a massage. Nongreasy, fast absorbing. Works on arthritis, muscle and nerve pain. $800 pesos per oz (Spray or Roll-on. Roll on adds $100 to first order) $2000 for 3 oz spray(save) CANNA-CREAM: Hand blend of essential oils, coconut oil, pure bees wax and our full spectrum CBD to bring topical pain relief and aide in the healing of skin abrasions or injury. $800 PESOS per 40ml jar |
PET De-Stress or Pain Drops: $600 pesos per oz
Pets are subject to stress, cancer and other inflammatory issues just like people. YES it's safe to give your furbaby diluted CBD oils. From a few drops for a small dog to 6-10 for a larger dog. Just like people, animals have a cannabinoidal uptake system and CBD is healthy for them. |
PetCBD Drops
Get Well Soon - Cistus Incanus drops
Hand extracted and then placed in a food glycerine base carrier. Cistus Incanus is an anti viral, anti bacterial with the ability to break the biofilms protection layer of virus', while leaving healthy biofilms alone. Helpful with lyme symptoms and treatment! Dosing is 5 drops per use sublingual (under the tongue) To help with prevention of colds and flu - take 2 times per day Treating cold/flu take 3x a day For Lyme treatment - start at 2x a day and work up to 6 times per day. You may for a short time go symptomatic as the virus is killed and released into the system (biofilm removal). Cost: $500 pesos per 10ml $1200 per 30 ml |
Benefits of Cistus Incanus
~ May help with symptoms of Lyme disease a ~ May help with symptoms of Lyme disease ~ High antioxidant activity ~ Helps UTI's ~ Strong antiviral activity ~ Inhibits viral activity such as HIV,ebola etc ~ Protects DNA[9] ~ Has antibacterial properties ~ May help promote dental health ~ Eliminates free radicals[11] ~ Reduces symptoms of the common cold and upper respiratory infection ~ Anti influenza virus activity ~ Potent anti-inflammatory activity |
Energy and Mood: Hoja Santa (oh-ha santa)
We hand process and extract the Hoja Santa which we grow organically or wildcraft from protected lands. It's used in very small doses to aid with hypertension, anxiety, panic attacks, depression, etc. Dosing is 4 drops per use . 2-3 times per day. The flavor is a little sweet and a little spicy. Cost: $400 pesos per 10ml |
10ml Hoja Santa
Energy & Mood Drops |
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Directly Contact Kate on FB Whatsapp: 999.918.5384 Phone: 52.1.322.193.11.20 (MX) |
TRS: Toxin and Contaminant Removal System! Safely and quickly remove heavy metals (lead, mercury etc) as well as up to 80,000 contaminants like candida!!
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